
What Will We Create Today?

Following your passion is questionable career advice.

Converting your passion into a career is risky — whether entrepreneurial or artistic or both. Our passions change often. If your livelihood is built on a waning interest, your passion may burden rather than benefit you.

Following one’s passions, though, is essential to living a fulfilling life.

Balance is less work/life and more consume/create. 

The more time I spend creating, the more fulfilled I feel.

I use the term “creating” liberally. This essay is a creation. I’m also exploring ultra-marathoning — creating a better self. I’m learning new guitar songs — creating a better repertoire. 

It’s easy to associate creating exclusively with making art — painting, drawing, writing. I think this is what causes friends to say, “I’m not creative.” But making art is only a subset of creating.

I’ve yet to run into anyone who can’t create something. Coding, knitting, tinkering. All qualify.

I consume too. When my mind is tired, I might play Donkey Kong (I’m an 80’s arcade fan), watch an NFL game or a movie like The Shining. Too much consumption, though, makes John a dull boy.

I try to tip the balance in favor of creating. When the scale displays high consumption levels, I need a reset.

Consistency helps. I set up my days so that when my mind is fresh, I create.

What will we create today?

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